Conditions we treat

at Mindful Living Chiropractic and Acupuncture

Chiropractic, acupuncture, and medical massage are holistic approaches that focus on promoting overall wellness and self-healing.

Did you know?…

While chiropractic and acupuncture are commonly associated with treating back and neck pain, we can help pain conditions and beyond!

What conditions do we treat?

Here are some of the conditions that our treatments can successfully address:

1. Back and Neck Pain: our services help relieve your pain, including general pain and tightness, herniated discs, sciatica, and spinal misalignments.

2. Headaches: our treatments reduce the frequency, duration, and intensity of tension headaches and migraines.

3. Joint Pain and Arthritis: we help manage joint pain and improving joint function associated with conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other degenerative joint disorders.

4. Postural Issues: Poor posture can lead to musculoskeletal imbalances and chronic pain. Our treatments help correct these problems.

5. Digestive Disorders: The nervous system plays a significant role in maintaining proper digestion. Our treatments help digestive issues like bloating, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and more.

6. Stress and Anxiety: Our services help not only physical health but also the mind-body connection to help manage stress, anxiety, and related symptoms.

7. Inflammation and Auto-immune conditions: We can help reduce the pain assocaited with inflammatory conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, and auto-immune conditions like Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

And so much more.

Learn about our services.





Medical Massage


CranioSacral Therapy


Chiropractic 〰️ Acupuncture 〰️ Medical Massage 〰️ CranioSacral Therapy 〰️

Reach out today.

Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and Medical Massage awaken your body’s natural healing resources so you feel like yourself again.

Contact us and discover how we can help you.